50 bicycles among 50 unprivileged students.

Dear friends,

Alhamdullilah, by the grace of God I have distributed a total of 50 bicycles among 50 unprivileged students from different parts of Bangladesh.

One of the students, Nomita said, “Brother, many girls from our village, who did not get a bicycle from you, are already married. Due to the distance of the school, they could not continue their education.

This bike not only helped us to continue our schooling but also saving us from child marriage.”

Like Nomita, I have gifted one bicycle for each girl from each family, so they do not need to walk 10-12 kilometers every day which takes hours for them. They become exhausted and cannot pay attention to their education, and they tend to just drop out all together from school.

Thank you all my friends for your kind support and humanity! Without all your love and support I probably couldn’t go this far every day.

Please keep me in your prayers so that I can continue my journey to alleviate the sufferings of the people at least for one day.

Love and Light.

_GMB Akash

GMB Akash

Photojournalist and Profile Photographer at Panos Pictures, London

Founder of GMB Akash Institute of Photography, Dhaka

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/gmbakash

Website: http://www.gmb-akash.com/home

Photography Workshop: http://www.gmbakashworkshop.com/

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/gmbakash/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gmbakash/

Blog: https://gmbakash.wordpress.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GmbAkash

Author: GMB Akash

"I see the beauty of people and the human soul in the pictures I take. And though the circumstances of some of the people I portray may be grim, back-breaking, depraved, the people themselves are always remarkable characters and souls" For me Photography is my language, to access, to communicate, to identify and mostly to make it hear. Through photography I only jot down my heart’s language. The best part about being a photographer is that I’m able to articulate the experiences of the voiceless and to bring their identities to the forefront which gives meaning and purpose to my own life.

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